Fibrobeton took place in BAU 2025, held in Munich from January 13-17, 2025, showcasing its innovative products and solutions to industry professionals. As one of the world’s most prestigious ...
We met with Kadir Has University 2nd year architecture students in the Building Technologies and Materials course. We would like to thank Dr. Lecturer Mine Koyaz-Güçer for giving us the...
As Fibrobeton, we continue to share our experiences gained in projects around the world with our sector!
At the “Fibrous Concretes and Architectural Facade Claddings” seminar ...
Fibrobeton participated in the event organized by the Turkish Society of Freelance Architects (TSMD). At the event held in Ankara, we had a pleasant and productive conversation with the leading arc...
- With our projects, which are the products of our R&D studies, we stood out among 354 inventions and won 1 gold and 4 silver medals in total.
- At the fair, we introduced our Ultra E...
Fibrobeton olarak @turkishtimedergi 'nin AR-GE 250 listesinde yer almanın gururunu yaşıyoruz! Şirketçe AR-GE ça...
As Fibrobeton, we are proud to have won two awards at the 29th Golden ÇEKÜL Awards!
- Parametric UHPC Facade Cladding. The Jury Incentive Award for Innovative...
As Fibrobeton, we sponsored the International Corrosion Symposium KORSEM'24, number 504 EFC, held at Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University on May 23-25, 2024.
While successfully presenting...
As Fibrobeton, we participated in the Düzce-Bolu R&D Market competition with 5 projects in 2 different categories.
In this very exciting competition, we won first place in the Al...
We participated as a diamond sponsor in the concrete canoeing event traditionally organized by Istanbul Technical University MHK! In this exciting competition, 9 teams from 8 different universities...
Bu yılki PCI Design Ödülleri'nde FİBROBETON®, Maputo’daki Elçilik Binası projesiyle En İyi Uluslararası Yapı Ödülü'nü kazandı! FİBRO-M® dı...
As Fibrobeton, we are proud to be included in @turkishtimedergi's R&D 250 list! As a company, we always pay attention to our R&...
Türkiye İMSAD Dergi 2023 Ekim Ayı Sayısında Fibrobeton ve Dündar Yetişener Röportajı Yer Aldı
Fibrobeton Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi ve bSTR Yürütme Kurulu Başkanı Muhammed Maraşlı, Türkiye İMSAD Dergisi'ne Türkiye inşaat malzemesi sektöründeki AR-GE çalışmalarıyla ilgili yorumlarını paylaştı.
Bir sürdürülebilir malzeme projesi olan ve Düzce Açık AR-GE alanında inşaa edilen BIRE-PAN Prototip Mekanın hayata geçmesi için malzeme temini, işçilik, kalıp ve imalatı ile yapının inşasını üstlendik...
9- 12 Mayıs tarihlerinde Londra'da gerçekleşen GRCA Kongresinde 4’ü ikincilik, 1’i de birincilik olmak üzere toplam 5 dalda ödül almanın gururunu yaşıyoru...
Fibrobeton olarak, Türk Patent’in ev sahipliğinde düzenlenen ve Teknofest 2023’de gerçeklesen 8.İstanbul Uluslararası Buluş Yarışması’nda, “ Yeni Bir Katkı ...
University - Fibrobeton Collaboration Target: Teaching The Job On The Field.
Fibrobeton olarak İTÜ’de düzenlenen, dünyanın dört bir yanından 1000'den fazla profesyoneli, araştırmacıyı ve öğrenciyi bir araya getiren FIB 2023 Sempozyumu&rsqu...
2022 yılı RDCONF Ar-Ge ve İnovasyon Bildiri Ödüllerinde, İnşaat ve Yapı sektörü ‘En İyi Proje Ödülü’ Fibrobeton’un oldu
Fibrobeton, 29. Altın Çekül Ödülleri'nde iki prestijli ödül kazanarak sektördeki liderliğini daha da pekiştirdi.
Bu ödü...
Bu yılki PCI Design Ödülleri'nde FİBROBETON®, Maputo’daki Elçilik Binası projesiyle En İyi Uluslararası Yapı Ödülü'nü kazandı!
Member Informatıonal Meeting at the new centre of IMSAD (Association of Turkish Building Material Producers) A Member Information Meeting was held in the New Headquarters of İMSAD - Turkey On 17th ...
1987'den beri “yapınıza değer katar” anlayışı ile yoluna devam eden Fibrobeton’un HYLO Tower Binası, PCI (Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute) tarafından “En ...
Fibrobeton Güneş Enerjisi Santrali, 05.01.2023 tarihinde devreye alındı. Santralin projelendirilmesi, kurulumu ve güneş paneli tedariği, Schmid Pekintaş Enerji tarafından ger&cced...
Yavuz Sultan Selim Köprüsünün Tacını Fibrobeton Giydirdi…
Fibrobeton olarak, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi Mühendisliğe Hazırlık Kulübü tarafından 21 Mayıs 2022 tarihinde 6.’sı düzenlenen Beton Kano Yarışması sürecinde A...
CNBC-E (01.07.2013) Dundar Yetisener Is The Live Broadcast Guest
Young architects and designers included in the AURA Istanbul certification program have crossed the limits of their accustomed scale and design processes; They will combi...
Fibrobeton has been a great supporter for many civil society initiatives and carries out a new project which aims to endear science and technology to children.
As Fibrobeton offers science s...
CNBC-E (22.05.2014) Dundar Yetisener is the live broadcast guest
Marka Projelerde Fibrobeton İmzası…
Team Bosphorus Takımı `ReYard Evi` projesi ile Fas`ta yarışacak… Öğrencilere yönelik konut tasarım yarışması olan Solar Decathlon, Afrika`da Türkiye’yi ‘ReYard Evi...
Russia Mosbuild Fair 2014
A New Cooperation Supporting ITU Graduate Students From Fibrobeton…
Bloomberg HT (23.08.2013) Dundar Yetisener is the live broadcast guest
Bloomberg HT (20.12.2013) Dundar Yetisener Is The Live Broadcast Guest
37. Yapı Fuarı - Turkeybuild İstanbul 2014’e Katıldık37th Turkeybuild Fair Istanbul 2014
Erbil Fair 2014
Betonart 2014 Yaz Okulu Fibrobeton Sponsorluğunda...
Leadership Training from Chairman Yetisener
ReYard Evi projesine Fibrobeton’dan tam destek… Fibrobeton, 2019 Eylül ayında Fas’ın Ben Guerir şehrinde gerçekleşecek olan Solar Decathlon Afrika yarışmasında Tü...
Fibrobeton in Turkeybuild Fair!
5th Prize from World GRC Manufacturers to Fibrobeton
Fibrobeton participated in MosBuild Fair for the 3rd time
Award Winners from FIBROBETON: 3 Awards in 3 Branches (IGRCA MERIT AWARD)
Fibrobeton Duzce integrated Facility started to production.
Mardan Palace Facades Have FIBROBETON Signature.
He Will Live Forever With His Works.
We Took Our Place In The Earthquake Summit 2013.
A Haber (24.07.2013) Dundar Yetisener is the live broadcast guest
Dunya Tv “Ufuk Turu” (24.06.2013) Dundar Yetisener Is The Live Broadcast Guest
TGRT News (09.07.2013) Dundar Yetisener Is The Live Broadcast Guest
Bloomberg HT (15.08.2013) Dundar Yetisener Is The Live Broadcast Guest
Visit To Anıtkabir
Dundar Yetisener in Qatar
Insulation Industry Achievement Awards founded their owners. The Success Awards for the Isolation Sector organized for the 10th time by the Yalıtım Dergisi (the Isolation Magazine) and the Roof and...
Fibrobeton Inc. And Duzce University Power Union Protocol
FIBROBETON 2012 TURKEYBUILD fair Press Release
Dundar Yetisener Participated In Russia Housing Development Foundation Meeting
Şare Özkan Yıldızeli Vefat
İTÜ FBE Facade Design And Technology Non-Thesis Master Program
Visit To Fibrobeton Duzce Plant From Ministry Of Science, Industry And Technology Delegation
Fibrobetons Wins 350.R&D Center Certificate
From Fibrobeton A Revolutionary Product That Cleanses Oneself And The Environment.
Ayhan Babacan Vefat
First Place In The Competition Of Concrete Canoe Competition Sponsored By Fibrobeton
Dundar Yetisener Visits Bauma Africa Fair
CNN Türk TV Dundar Yetisener Is The Live Broadcast Guest
CNBC-E (25 Kasım 2013) Dündar Yetişener / Güvenli Yapılar Yol Haritası-1CNBC-E TV Dundar Yetisener Is The Live Broadcast Guest
Kanal 24 “Kentsel Dönüşüm” (22 Şubat 2014) Dündar Yetişener Canlı Yayın Konuğu Kanal 24 TV 22.02.2014 Dundar Yetisener Is The Live Broadcast Guest
Bloomberg TV 05.04.2014 Dundar Yetisener Is The Live Broadcast Guest
Bloomberg TV’de (26 Haziran 2014) Dündar Yetişener Canlı Yayın KonuğuBloomberg TV 26.06.2014 Dundar Yetisener Is The Live Broadcast Guest
Istanbul Governor Visited Fibrobeton.
Fibrobeton, International Environment And Design Congress 2014 Sponsor
New Product From FIBROBETON: Fibro-Transbeton PXL®
With Fibro-Multiform® The Facade Material Of The Year Award
Düzce Governor Adnan Yılmaz Visited Fibrobeton Factory
Builder Who Dressed Buildings Across 4 Continents
Brand That Endeared Gross Concrete To Architects: Fibrobeton
Fibrobeton Turkeybuild Fair Istanbul
Earthquake Manifesto Of İMSAD In The Presidency Of Dündar Yetişener
Dündar Yetişener Was Elected As President Of İMSAD.
Fibrobeton Mimar Ve Iç Mimarlar Için Yeni Alternatifler Sunuyor
Fibrobeton In TGRT TV
Fibrobeton’dan Vali Yılmaz’a Ziyaret
Fibrobeton Turkeybuild 2013 Ankara
Between Düzce University And Fibrobeton A.Ş. Was Signed The Grant Protocol.