The collaboration of Fibrobeton® and the Faculty of Architecture of the İstanbul Bilgi University began in 2017 when our academicians, Fulya Akipek and Tuğrul Yazar, started to work on moulds that were to be built with compressed soil and fluid geometries. Then Çinici Architects gave us the reference. I was coordinating the international summer school that was initiated by our university and the Architectural Association in 2018. We had the chance to work with Fibrobeton® in 2018/19. In our first study, we constructed a structure with foam blocks and dressed it with Fibrobeton® by using robotics and without any material loss. In our second study, we built mould rods that could be bent in different angles and be covered by fluid carrier surfaces that came out of textile moulds, again by using robotics. Mr. Yetişener’s love of R&D, Mr. Maraşlı’s readiness to offer all possibilities, and Mr. Kohen’s trials as the initial researcher along with their material and technology support led to very successful results. Fibrobeton®’s eagerness for technological innovation and their R&D contribution to universities are very precious. I will be happy to work with them again if we can contribute to the togetherness of the design and construction processes in the future.

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